《誰把流光辜負了》 / Who Has Time Failed






出版時間:2007. 05

ISBN:  978-7-5313-3181-0



小説反映了中國大陸的一群高中學生的生活狀態。小説主人公王曉石是一位普通的高中學生,他每天在枯燥的課堂學習中設法找到快樂。他喜歡上了班裡的文藝委員梁佳,但沒有勇氣向她表白。王曉石的同桌老七是一個喜歡讀書的有獨立見解的叛逆青年,經常與老師和同學發生意見上的沖突。王曉石不像老七那樣叛逆,但是他十分贊同老七。王曉石發現梁佳與自己的好朋友區歐成為了情侶,他與區歐的關係也發生了變化,由原來的好哥們變成了最後的情敵。與此同時,王曉石也與梁佳產生了隔閡。王曉石從小就認識的同學孫怡婷也由於學習退步和家庭原因產生了心理問題…… 高考結束後,王曉石感覺空虛。他發現由於各種原因失去了他身邊的每一個朋友,他也漸漸地發現他在不知不覺中已經失去了花季雨季的時光。


NAME:  Who Has Time Failed


Language:  Simplified Chinese

Category:  Novel

Page:  219

Published Time:  2007.05

ISBN:  978-7-5313-3181-0


Who Has Time Failed, "Another Kind of Waste "(Traditional  Chinese Edition)  is Zhang Guan's first novel. 

The novel shows the situation of high school students in China. Wang Xiaoshi is the protagonist of the book. He is a high school student in China. Everyday, he tries to have fun in the boring Chinese style of studying live which is only for the exam. His classmate Old 7( nick name) is the one who has his own individual thoughts. He likes reading books that are out of textbooks, he does not like this kind of education in China, and he often conflicts with teachers and students in this system. Wang Xiaoshi is not as extreme as Old 7, but he supports him. Wang Xiaoshi likes a girl named Liang Jia in his class. However, the girl falls in love with Xiaoshi’s friend Ou Ou. Xiaoshi and Ou Ou become rival in love. Xiaoshi’s classmate and friend, Sun Yiting, depressed because the stress of her learning step backwards... After the college entrance examination in ChinaXiaoshi feels empty in his heart, and finally, he loses all of his friend with different reasons. He suddenly discovers that he has lost his youth, which is the age likes flowers.

This is a black humor novel, the characters in the book create many funny things. The novel reveals the reality of Chinese high school students’ educational environment, encounter and emotional changes of these students, which shows a cruel young story and lets people introspect.